My wish for you is….

to feel grounded, a sense of who you are, where you’ve come from and what kind of a person you want to become. 

I know I was uncertain about these things until I was much older and I think most young people struggle to find themselves.

 My wish is that you have the deeper sense of knowing that you come from a place of love. Of feeling connected to your family and community. If you have that feeling of being grounded I think the searching for your place in the bigger world comes with fewer struggles. At least I hope it does.  

I’m reminded of when your mother took horseback riding lesson when she was around 10 years old. The instructor taught centered riding and would tell your mother to sit heavy in the saddle and feel like there was a weight in her core, molding her into the saddle.

 The instructor would then have your mother take her feet out of the stirrups and hold her arms and hands out wide.  The instructor would lead the horse around while your mother worked on finding her core. To find her inner strength to hold herself in the saddle without gripping with her feet or hands.

 I think this also holds true in life. If you can get in touch with your core, your center of truth and strength, you have a much better chance of staying grounded. Even if you feel lost at times your core should remain the same.

I’m sure you will evolve as you grow and your interests will change. But if you have a core belief in yourself and what you believe in, your path will reveal itself to you.
No matter what you do with your life, what great things you accomplish or how low you might fall at times, if you can tap into your core, your truth and the feeling of being grounded, you won’t stray too far or for too long from the person you really are.

Forces may push you of course at times but your core, your values, your truth, will always be there for you.  My wish is that you will always be able to remember what is truly important and feel that sense of being grounded.

Written 4/1/6/18

