I followed
fox tracks as I entered the woods
its small cat
like feet leaving a trail in the new snow
as I
followed, I wondered how far ahead it was
I often smell
the musky odor
letting me know that we have crossed paths
an acquired scent, but not unpleasant to my nose
I stopped my
search as the prints entered thick brush
too many thorns and thickets
for my more sensitive limbs to follow
I like to
think that the fox still watched
its eyes
focused intently on this mysterious being
as curious of
me as I am of it
later the fox
ran across my path
pausing just
seconds, but enough for me to witness the beauty
of red fur
glistening as the sun set
tonight I
take it as a sign
of what I’m
not sure
maybe the
message is to pause
drink in the
beauty surrounding me
as I re-enter
my life
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